3 Marketing Strategies To Follow To Increase Restaurant Sales during the pandemic.

Home 3 Marketing Strategies To Follow To Increase Restaurant Sales during the pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has changed the way businesses operate. The restaurant business is one of those industries that have witnessed the most significant change. From promoting more takeaways, implementing safety measures to investing in customer success, the industry understood that it needed to adapt and change to survive. Regardless of all the changes that have happened, the need for marketing remains constant. Marketing to customers who have spent the past few months isolated at home is a challenging task indeed. Persuading customers to dine or do takeaways while the fear of the pandemic is still at an all-time high has got restaurants thinking. Choosing the right marketing strategies and implementing the same is the key here for the survival of any restaurant. We want to give you five solid marketing strategies that would positively impact your sales and revenue. Let’s begin. 5 Marketing Strategies To Follow To Upsurge Restaurant Sales Post Covid 1. Capitalising on Video content Marketing Videos are a great way to exhibit any content. It is effective because it helps capture users’ attention, retains their attention, leaves an impression in their minds, and pushes them to conduct an action. ‘’Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.’’ When all your diners are hesitant to dine in restaurants, videos can play a significant role in eliminating those fears and compel them to book a table. Videos can be used to convey the safety measures that are taken, your brand, the experience that you provide to just about anything that creates meaningful engagement with your customers. To create compelling videos, you can consider the following: Remember to convey the message in the form of a story. Make it as relevant as possible. Content without the proper Context is a recipe for disaster. Provide quality information. The information you provide should be resourceful. Use the first 3 seconds wisely as it takes people 3 seconds to decide whether to watch your video or not. Try to connect to the emotional side of your customers. The topics of the video content can range from:- How the food is prepared. The hygiene level maintained. How the staff is masked and working in accordance with the covid-19 precautions. About your brand, your story, the experience you provide. About your menu, the different types of delicacies you provide. About the chef, the staff and owners. Content related to your current marketing campaigns, your offers and your target market audience. 2. Partnering With Influencers Word of mouth marketing through social media is a pretty effective way to promote your restaurant during this pandemic. The best way to capitalise on the benefits of word of mouth marketing in social media is through the influencers on social media. Influencer marketing is booming. Influencers are individuals that have a good number of followers. The content that they post sparks the interest of a specific set of people. These followers may be identical in terms of demographics, likes or interests. Based on your ideal target market audience, you can partner with the perfect influencer for that specific target market audience. Your restaurant can capitalise on Influencer Marketing by following this step by step process:- 1) Choose your platform- Choose the social media platform that would be the best to promote your brand. Keep in mind that each platform has its uniqueness. 2) Set your Objectives- Once you have selected your social media platform, define your goals and objectives based on your requirements. 3) Target Audience- Understand your ideal target market audience. You could try creating a customer persona as well. 4) Select the Influencer- Once you have an educated guess on who your target audience is, choose an influencer with a following similar to your ideal customer persona. 3. Capitalising on the power of SMS. The power of an exemplary communication medium can convert potential leads into becoming loyal customers. Despite understanding this, businesses tend to invest in effective communication channels but aren’t as effective as they should be. SMS is an underrated medium of communication. For marketing, improving processes or customer success, SMS is a cost-effective alternative that can positively impact meaningful engagement. ‘’70% of consumers think SMS marketing is a great way for businesses to get their attention.’’ Loyal customers helping out their favourite restaurants during this pandemic has once again shown us the importance of a quality customer success methodology. SMS is an excellent channel for creating meaningful engagement with your customers and build upon customer loyalty. SMS Marketing is one of the most potent marketing tools out there. SMS is simple, instant, easy, and works well to enhance engagements with customers. It contains the highest open and response rate compared to other communication platforms. ‘’Text marketing is incredibly effective, with SMS open rates as high as 98%.’’ it is a direct medium of connecting to your customers with just one click. SMS Marketing stands on top if you compare the ROI to other mediums of engagement like E-mail and Social Media. Some of the main benefits of SMS Marketing are:- Cost-effective. Better ROI. Better engagement and reach. Direct channel. Greater audience reach. Wrapping Up So these are the three main marketing strategies that you can implement in your restaurant business. Out of the three, SMS Marketing remains the best practical option regarding cost, ROI, & engagement. If you are looking to capitalise on the power of SMS, the Guni SMS– Australia’s number one SMS Gateway is the best solution out there. Restaurants like Little Bonnys & P’sghetti Bar based in Australia partnered with Guni during this pandemic and benefited. Was your business affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic? Are you looking to bounce back? Are you looking to increase more dine-in and take-aways for your restaurant? Are you looking to increase customer loyalty through meaningful engagement? Do you want to capitalise on the power of SMS Broadcasting to improve your business? Guni can help you for free. Guni
SMS Broadcast in Restaurants – Importance & Application

Home SMS Broadcast in Restaurants – Importance & Application People can ignore phone calls, leave their emails unread for days, but SMS messages always get attention. We all tend to look through our phones whenever a notification pops up once in a while. With time, SMS Broadcasting has become a preferred method of communication for the Restaurant space. Let’s dive in and understand how you can use SMS Broadcast to manage the pandemic and thrive in the Restaurant Space. Sales & Marketing Sales & Marketing are two sides of the same coin. Restaurants can utilise the power of SMS Broadcast to improve their sales through SMS Marketing. With an open rate of 98%, all the mobile phones can be targeted within one click. It is estimated that there are around 3.9 billion mobile phones in the world. With a higher click-through rate than any other medium, 70% of customers read texts within 3 to 5 minutes of receiving them. The point is that SMS Marketing would help restaurants get a better ROI when compared to other mediums such as Email and Social Media Platforms. SMS Broadcasting Led To an increase in sales for the restaurant Little Bonny (Case Study) Little Bonny is a restaurant situated in NSW, Australia. They improved upon their sales in the pandemic with the help of SMS Broadcast Marketing. They got around 39 orders in just one single SMS Campaign worth only 20 dollars. SMS Broadcast Marketing is the best tool for targeting and reaching out to a specific set of audiences. The only catch is that they should have a regular mobile phone. SMS Broadcast is much cost-effective compared to other mediums. Social Media Marketing requires the use of paid ads which are costly. Emails are considered a free medium of communication. But using Email for marketing by sending bulk emails requires an Email Marketing Platform, which is costly. An alternative is email to SMS, which allows you to reach your audience efficiently without the high costs of traditional email marketing platforms. SMS Gateways such as Guni SMS provides SMS Broadcast Marketing services at just 6.2 cents per SMS. They provide custom made use-cases/solutions per your restaurant’s requirements and a dedicated campaign manager for free. Plus, if you consider the effectiveness and ROI of an SMS Broadcast Campaign, the winner is pretty clear. You could save the commission given to online delivery applications and directly reach out to your target customers. Here are some templates that Restaurants can use for SMS Broadcast Marketing. Customer Sucess The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of customer loyalty for players in the Restaurant space. We have heard many stories during the lockdown phase where loyal customers got together and joined hands in helping out their favourite restaurants. SMS Broadcasting for Restaurants is a great tool to engage with existing customers and make profitable relationships. P’sghetti Bar is a restaurant based in NSW, Australia. They improved upon their Customer Loyalty by capitalising on the power of SMS. SMS Broadcast can be used to send resourceful information to customers. They can also understand the reviews and experience of customers as well. Here are some Customer Success SMS templates for the Restaurant industry that you can use:- For Facilitating Processes SMS Broadcast can be used as an effective tool for facilitating Restaurant Processes as well. Let us say if your restaurant is providing home delivery services in your business proximity. Resourceful information can be sent, and the whole process can be managed & facilitated. The same can be done for take-away orders as well. You could also communicate to your customers if a table is ready via SMS Broadcast. Every process requires a communication medium. SMS Broadcast Software can be utilised as a communication medium to manage and facilitate any processes. Let’s look at some SMS Broadcast Templates to understand further:- Final Words The importance and relevance of SMS Broadcasting for Restaurants is clear as daylight. Use SMS Broadcasting appropriately to ensure that your Restaurants survives this pandemic and take advantage of the post-pandemic boom that’s coming. Choosing the best SMS Broadcast Service Provider in Australia is critical for your restaurant to fully capitalise on SMS’s power. Guni SMS, Australia’s No-1 SMS Gateway, would be the best choice. Their consultants provide custom made solutions and use-cases as per your requirements. They would also be providing a free campaign manager too throughout the SMS Broadcasting process. The best part is that you would only have to pay for the SMS sent, which would be pay as you use. Guni has helped many businesses across Australia tackle the pandemic by helping them capitalising on the power of SMS Broadcasting. It is safe to say that Guni would be with you full time, catering to all your needs and requirements. Try Guni SMS for free Today. Share Via Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Linkedin Improve upon your Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Business Communication with the help of Guni. Get free consultation from our world class consultants today. Get Live Demo See how you can send SMS campaign in less than 5 minutes! Import contacts Compose Template Send Book a Demo
SMS Broadcast In Healthcare – Importance & Application

Home SMS Broadcast In Healthcare – Importance & Application People can ignore phone calls, leave their emails unread for days, but SMS messages always get attention. The whooping SMS open rate of 98% says a lot as compared to the email open rate of 20%. With time, SMS Broadcasting has become a preferred method of communication for the healthcare sector. Let’s dive in and understand how you can use SMS Broadcast to manage the pandemic and thrive in the Healthcare space. Provide Relief To Anxious Patients Let’s say a person requires serious surgery in the next 15 days. He needs to prepare himself physically and mentally for the surgery in this half month. Firstly, you can convey the stages of the surgery clearly to keep them informed. Secondly, you can send out tips to physically prepare their body for what’s coming next. Sending motivating messages can help them reduce anxiety. They must be prepared for the surgery in advance to experience less pain. SMS Broadcasting Led To A Decrease In Anxiety And Pain (Case Study) A study conducted by Dental Press Journal Of Orthodontics shows that sending SMS messages prior to treatment resulted in less pain. They divided the total of 103 patients into two categories. The first category didn’t receive any sort of post-treatment communication. On the other hand, the second was sent out with a well-structured message. The results revealed that 53% of patients in the first category got too anxious and experienced heavy pain after the treatment. On the flip side, only 28% of patients from the second category showed signs of anxiety and extreme pain. This study concluded that you are more likely to deal with pain if you prepare the mind in advance. We all know about the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on our mental health. The anxiety levels are at an all-time high. To ensure you give your patients an experience with minimal pain, make sure you prepare their minds first. Reminding Patients Of Their Scheduled Appointments In the healthcare sector, constant reminders need to be delivered to the patients. If you don’t, they are likely to miss appointments leading to disruption of your schedule. Apart from reminders regarding appointments, you must remind them of the date of their membership (if any), due fee, etc. Once their test results are out, you can quickly inform them regarding the same. Another core reminder can be regarding their well-being after a necessary surgery or operation. Here are some SMS templates for the healthcare industry that you can use. Appointment Reminder “Hi <FIRST NAME>, your appointment is scheduled at <DATE AND TIME>. Reply <WORD, NUMBER, OR SYMBOL> to confirm.” Test Results “Hi <FIRST NAME>, your test results are out and can be checked <HEALTH PORTAL> here. If you find any trouble in accessing the same, feel free to contact us.” Checking Up On Them “Hi <FIRST NAME>, we are just checking up to see if you are doing well. In case of any distress, feel free to reach out to us, and we will assist you with the same.” Prescription Reminder “Hi <FIRST NAME>, a gentle reminder that it’s time to renew your prescription. Book your appointment today.” Suitable For Conducting A Patient Satisfaction Survey Gone are the days when people were short of options. Whether we talk about the healthcare or education sector, collecting feedback is of utmost importance. When you make your patient feel valued and heard, they will keep their thought of switching to a different clinic away. It will help you nurture a long-lasting relationship with your current patients. As collecting feedbacks is a crucial process, we must know that the channel of communication matters. If you are still stuck with paper-based surveys, you are unlikely to receive a great response. Research conducted by Medical Economics shows how 80% of patients are interested in receiving SMS Broadcast messaging-based communication from health providers. Right after switching from traditional surveys, they tripled their survey completion rate. To ensure you receive a great response, Survey Monkey identified that the best time to send a survey is the day of the visit. The earlier you sent it; the better are the chances of a response. Whether they are highly delighted by the service or disappointed, they are likely to respond. Still, Wondering If SMS Campaigns Work for Healthcare Professionals? The California Department Of Public Health organized a flu vaccine SMS Broadcast campaign. The results were great as they found out that 33% of people get vaccinated that week. Another 30% of people made up their minds about getting vaccinated. Another great example is the National Cancer Institute’s SmokefreeTXT campaign. They doubled their results from 3% to 6% after running this campaign. Many teens were motivated to quit smoking altogether. If you need people to take some action, you need to aim at the communication channel. A Space For Confused And Scared Patients A patient is stuck with many questions once he is informed about a particular treatment to follow. He may ask you the impulsive ones, but what about the questions that overthinking brings them close to? SMS Broadcast through an SMS Gateway Australia is a great way to motivate patients to put forward their queries. The only thing that can cost you, patients, is a delay in replies. On the flip side, a space that offers instant replies to queries, such as leveraging email to SMS services, will hold them tight. If they are putting forward their questions, they expect quick replies. Make sure you have a team of experts in the field assigned for this task. This will show how much you care about your patients and their well-being. Another area that might bug you is whether or not patients follow the tips received through SMS Broadcast messages. The study conducted by The University Of Maryland revealed that the health tips sent by them were followed by 73% of recipients. Remember that you are using one of the most responsive forms of communication. Taking Feedback To Provide Improved Experience Make sure you give enough emphasis to taking feedback. After COVID-19, the
Is Omnichannel Messaging useful for my Business?

Home Is Omnichannel Messaging useful for my Business? In recent years an increasing number of businesses are shifting to the digital realm for their business. Establishing online has become significantly important, as many clients are now active in the field, and marketing will soon be an exclusively digital venture. SMS marketing is currently growing among marketing tools and has shown immense promise in communication and client management. But its features still remain underutilised. Omnichannel messaging is one such feature that has been discussed widely but not utilised in the best way possible. But what is Omnichannel messaging anyway? Omnichannel Messaging is a tool in Text message marketing, which can allow the integration of multiple communication channels of a company. Businesses have various ways of connecting with their clients, and messaging through particular channels can provide varied benefits to the company. Read on to discover why Omnichannel Messaging can be particularly useful for your business needs. The rise of SMS marketing With SMS marketing growing, several of its features are now comparable to marketing on other platforms such as WhatsApp, Emails, etc. SMS gateway solutions have made it easier for businesses to send bulk messages efficiently, improving customer engagement. SMS also has high opening rates, which implies that it is more likely that SMS messages will be read by a customer, unlike the case with emails that remain unread for days and go into the spam box. SMS is also a more convenient option as it requires no initial installation in the mobile phone, nor does one need the internet to access its messages. Thus, companies also profit by using SMS marketing with its cheap and affordable plans and the many features available under those plans. What is Omnichannel Messaging? Omnichannel messaging primarily refers to interacting with customers over multiple channels with seamless transitions between them. Hence, they’re all integrated smoothly and connected, allowing for a convenient and easy interface and connectivity among all your customers’ channels. It gives an even better experience to the customer because the process is consistent and unified for them, rather than having to choose different channels for different information. ow can this feature be used in Marketing? Customers as most significantThe integral aspect of omnichannel messaging is that it places the customer at the centre of its process. This is in comparison to multichannel messaging, where the company is central. For instance, a customer can reach your brand through any channel. The information will be relayed and connected with the other channels instantly because of the shared system of omnichannel messaging. Better Customer ServiceA customer does not need to spend time on a specific channel to get the information they need, as every channel can adapt and provide the required assistance and experience. So, they can contact through emails or any other platform at their convenience, but their experience would not be disrupted even if they shift between channels. Complete access through any channelAs every channel gets updates, they are constantly connected and consistently updated, so every end has all the information. Every representative will have access to all of the customer’s history to present relevant and personalised details and strategically represent their company. This means all the platforms your company has integrated will have all the updates regardless of the customer’s platform. All of them will receive the updates in real-time so that anyone can conveniently retain the information and serve the customer as required. This is all while providing the customer with a comfortable experience. Can Omnichannel Messaging be used in Sales? Since businesses have not entirely moved to the online world, especially with the advent of the post-pandemic world and the reopening of physical stores, the digital front is not the only aspect to manage. Omnichannelling allows you to have multiple customer databases while integrating all of them. Hence, no customer’s service is interrupted irrespective of their personal experience, whether physical or digital. All their history with the business is also recorded in the database. Hence, they receive personalised offers and interactions due to the tracked history shared across channels. Improved Access and EfficiencyOmnichannel messaging lets sales representatives be aware of the customers’ past experiences and purchases with the business to interact appropriately. Omnichannel Messaging, therefore, becomes an essential tool during this age, allowing a customer to decide however and wherever they would like to shop according to their convenience. More Customer Queries resolved, instantlyThis feature also allows multiple representatives to communicate if one is not available. It is easy for someone else to take up the position and address the queries since the history of the customer’s interactions with the brand is always available on any channel. Therefore, relevant questions and information can be conveyed keeping in mind that customer’s specific interests. This way, reps can handle more buyers than otherwise and close more sales than usual due to greater accessibility available to more employees. Multiple communication channels integratedOmnichannel Messaging allows a customer asking a query on Facebook to be addressed by someone not particularly on that channel. They can access that customer’s information instantly at any point and can transition and communicate with the customer through Facebook. This increases overall productivity to a large extent and ensures that all members are constantly working in a focused manner. One can observe a tremendous improvement in customer service through this utility. While several features make SMS marketing stand apart, Omnichannel Messaging, in particular, is still relatively unknown in marketing circles but gives excellent benefits to companies when used strategically. It is also a cost-effective method of serving all your clients while also ensuring that your employees remain busy and can handle all requests so no client is left waiting and no employee gets idle time. This means there is a rise in productivity and output, resulting in lasting relations with customers. Share Via Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Linkedin Improve upon your Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Business Communication with the help of Guni. Get free consultation from our world class
SMS Over Email? 6 Powerful Reasons To Make a Switch In 2021

Home SMS Over Email? 6 Powerful Reasons To Make a Switch In 2021 For the past decade, businesses have used Email as a traditional medium of communication to reach audiences and target the masses. However, with the usage of mobile phones on the rise, SMS messaging is gaining popularity. Businesses nowadays are slowly shifting towards SMS Gateways and using email to SMS solutions to communicate with their key stakeholders, enhance Customer Success, and improve their respective processes. Here are 10 reasons why you should prefer SMS over Email for your businesses in 2021. Here is a glimpse of the increase in the usage of smartphones. 6 Reasons To Switch From Email To SMS In 2021 1. Higher Open Rate Emails are great. They serve as a great foundation to conduct formal communications. But if you compare the open rates of emails over SMS, the latter wins. Not many open emails as soon as they reach their inbox. If it is a sales email, most recipients don’t even open the email. Most of the time, the emails land in the spam folder, and the recipient hardly checks on it. ’83% of millennials cite opening a text within 90 seconds of receiving it.’’ How many times have you opened a text message the minute it pops on your screen and got a glimpse of the content and context within seconds? “At around 90%, the SMS open rate is almost triple that of the average email open rate.” 2. Higher Response Rate ‘’It takes 90 seconds for someone to respond to a text and 90 minutes to respond to an email.’’ Replying to a text message is easy when you compare it to an email. Since the content and the text message context is precise and crisp, it takes the recipient just a couple of seconds to understand the same and reply swiftly. 3. Precise and Crisp The great thing about email is that you can send long messages. But the question is, does your recipients read the full message? With text messages, you would have to convey the content and the context within a limit of just 160 characters. This means that your message should be precise and crisp. The recipient can read through the message with just a glimpse and take the necessary actions required. 4. Cost-Effective Most people think that Emails are more cost-effective than Text Messaging. But to send bulk emails, businesses would have to invest in Email broadcasting tools or platforms, which are costly. You would also have to avail of the services of campaign managers or marketing agencies too. Text Messaging service providers such as Guni SMS provide SMS for the rate of 0.03 cents per SMS. Guni also provides free campaign managers. Hence when you compare the costs, text messaging is a cost-effective option. 5. The best medium for marketing SMS engagement rate when compared to Email and Social Media. Email marketing has an open rate of only 20%, while SMS Marketing open rates come to 98%. SMS marketing market is expected to grow to $83.03 billion by 2024. Furthermore, customers prefer to know more about offers, discounts, and promotions through text messaging rather than emails. ‘’SMS produces engagement rates six to eight times higher than email marketing when used for redemption, data collection, and brand awareness.’’ 6. Greater Reach Less than 3% of SMS messages are marked as spam, while almost 50% of emails are filtered as spam. Furthermore, the recipient would need an internet connection and an email account to be contacted via email. But for text messaging, any ordinary mobile phone with a sim connection is only required. Your target audience doesn’t need an internet connection to send or receive the message. Thus you can target a wider audience across the globe. Wrapping Up In short, Text messaging is a better alternative when compared to Email. SMS Marketing is the best option for businesses looking to survive the current pandemic and take advantage of the economic boom that’s coming. ‘’SMS marketing grew by 8.5% and 20% in March and April 2020, respectively, in response to the Pandemic.’’ If your business is trying to capitalise on the positive impact of SMS Marketing, then Guni SMS, which is the number one SMS Gateway in Australia, is the go-to service provider. The consultants at Guni offers custom made solutions as per the requirements of your business. Whether it be for Marketing, Sales, Improving customer success or processes, Guni would be the best effective alternative regarding cost and ROI. Sign up with Guni for free today and add value to your business. Share Via Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Linkedin Improve upon your Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Business Communication with the help of Guni. Get free consultation from our world class consultants today. Get Live Demo See how you can send SMS campaign in less than 5 minutes! Import contacts Compose Template Send Book a Demo
Use This Channel To Improve Your Current Alumni Engagement during the pandemic.

Home Use This Channel To Improve Your Current Alumni Engagement during the pandemic. How would you rate your current alumni engagement? An alumnus is an essential stakeholder for any educational institution out there. The importance of creating quality relationships and engagement with their respective alumni can’t be stressed enough. The amount of positive impact and value addition that an alumnus has over their institution is immense. But not even 90% of the educational institutions in Australia don’t take the necessary steps in creating quality engagement with their alumni. If you want to know the importance of proper meaningful alumni engagement and the steps to achieve the same, this blog is for you. Let us begin! Why is quality Alumni engagement so crucial for an educational Institution? Increase Goodwill Alumni who have been provided with a tremendous academic experience would act as brand ambassadors for their educational institution. They would also serve as a source of giving new students to the institution. A well-maintained alumni network would act as goodwill directly and indirectly to an institution. Provide Donations In Times Of Need Donations act as an essential source of revenue for any educational institute out there. Whether it be for renovations or for providing scholarships, donations and fundraisers add value to the institution. Alumni play a significant role in providing much-needed cash flow to their respective institutions through donations and fundraisers. Mentors To Aspiring Students Skilful and talented alumni will have a wealth of information, knowledge and expertise to share with the current set of students. Alumni conducting boot camps and preparing students for the placement season is an example. Alumni can act as a mentor and provide personal and professional development to the existing students of the institution. Employability Alumni can help out the current set of students in an institution concerning the placements. A well-maintained alumni network can be vital in creating great opportunities for the existing students. Providing placements is one of the key factors that a potential student takes in selecting an educational institution. How can you improve the quality of alumni engagement? Educational institutions can use many mediums to improve upon their engagement with their alumni. But there is only one medium that is effective in terms of cost, ROI and quality engagement. It is communication via SMS. Surprised? SMS has been one of the most underutilised mediums for communication. Here are a few reasons why an SMS or Text Messaging stands apart from the crowd:- Target Globally with just one click. Personalised messages. Cost-effective. 2-way communication. High open rates. High engagement rates. High ROI. SMS, when compared to other mediums of communication and engagement, clearly stands out. The best possible way to capitalise on SMS is through using an SMS Gateway. An SMS Gateway allows you to send SMS from your computer to all recipients all over the globe. The following are the benefits of using an SMS Gateway:- With an SMS Gateway, you could target all of your alumni with just one click globally. With an SMS Gateway, you could conduct alumni events and meetups with ease. With an SMS Gateway, get clear analytical insights and make data-driven decisions. With an SMS Gateway, make the messages more personalised by utilising the templates and merge tags available. With an SMS Gateway, communicate one on one to any alumni out there through 2-way communication. With an SMS Gateway, integrate to your existing platforms through API integration. With an SMS Gateway, Schedule messages to be sent at a later time. Wrapping Up Are you are looking to capitalise on the power of SMS for your business. In that case, Guni SMS – Australia’s #1 SMS Gateway is the best choice out there. Guni offers custom made solutions as per your educational institution’s requirements. It has helped the likes of AHMI from Sydney, Australia, double upon their alumni engagement. Are you looking to improve upon your student, parent, and alumni experience via meaningful engagement? Do you want custom-made engagement solutions as per your processes? Do you want to capitalise on the power of SMS Broadcasting which is more effective in engagement and cost? Add value to your Institution and double up meaningful engagement with Guni for free. Sign up Today! Share Via Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Linkedin Improve upon your Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Business Communication with the help of Guni. Get free consultation from our world class consultants today. Get Live Demo See how you can send SMS campaign in less than 5 minutes! Import contacts Compose Template Send Book a Demo
SMS Broadcast in E-Commerce – Importance & Application

Home SMS Broadcast in E-Commerce – Importance & Application With the coming of digitalisation, the number of brick and motor businesses that have opted for selling their products online has increased. The Covid-19 pandemic has also acted as a catalyst in an increase of these numbers. The more the number of players, the more fierce competition is going to be. One bad review by a customer could impact the sales and goodwill of any E-Commerce Business. Providing quality products and constantly engaging with your target audience and customers is critical for the success of these businesses. For constant quality engagement, an effective communication medium is crucial, so SMS Broadcast comes into the picture. Text Messaging or SMS Messaging, when compared to other mediums of communication out there, has the best open rates and click-through rates. Using an effective SMS Broadcast Software, you could engage with your target audience with just a click. SMS Broadcast Marketing in E-Commerce E-commerce businesses need to be in constant contact with their target audience continuously. Since E-commerce stores don’t have a physical presence, a good amount of investment should be made in Marketing and communication. Awareness about their brand, products, offers, promotions, etc can be conveyed with ease by using the power of SMS Broadcast. It is to be noted that 80% of the visitors to e-commerce business websites are from mobile phones. Communicating via SMS Broadcast can also be viewed as a personal “chat space” between the business and the customers. SMS allows 2-way personal conversations, which are progressive, but not many businesses are implementing the same. Communicate to your target audience in real-time about new offers, products and any other resourceful information that would help in marketing via SMS Broadcasting. With an open rate of 98% and a click-through rate of above 25%, no other communication medium delivers better ROI. Customer Success-Collecting Feedbacks For the success of any business, loyal and happy customers are an important factor. For e-commerce businesses, the stakes are higher. A bad review for a product by an unhappy customer can affect the brand image and demand drastically. We have seen good reviews do wonders as well in the e-commerce space. SMS Broadcast for E-commerce Businesses is an excellent tool for ensuring that the customers have a great experience while dealing with the respective brand. Feedbacks can be collected in real-time via SMS Chat from customers. Informed decisions can be made from the feedbacks if the need be. Providing Resourceful Information The whole selling process can be facilitated through SMS Broadcast. When a customer buys a product, resourceful information such as the order’s status, the payment acknowledgement, the delivery date, etc can be communicated to the customer via SMS Messages. After the delivery is completed, any other post-order info can be shared as well. Effective 2-way communication and sharing of information by the customer and the business would help in total transparency and make the whole buying-selling process much smoother. Customer Success-Creating Profitable Relationships SMS Broadcast Services can also be used to create meaningful engagement and profitable relationships with customers as well. For Example, as seen here, giving special discounts on birthdays is a great way to build upon the existing relationships with customers. Follow Up-The right message at the right time Reaching out to customers at the right time can do wonders in the e-commerce space. Regularly following up with customers and telling them to take action based on an item or a product that they previously had their eyes on is a sales technique that businesses have used for generations. Using the services of SMS Broadcast Software, we can send follow-up text messages. These follow-up text messages can be automated as well. The recipient sees most SMS Text Messages within 5 minutes. SMS is an excellent tool for following up with sales prospects. Managing Special Membership or Loyalty Groups The e-commerce membership or loyalty programme is a subscription model that provides ongoing special privileges, services, offers, and discounts to a particular audience for a special subscription fee in return. Many e-commerce businesses have used this model to increase sales, retention, engagement, and profitable relationships with customers. SMS Broadcast is a great tool that can be utilised as a medium of communication to engage with these groups effectively. Sign-ups, offers and other promotional or non-promotional resourceful information can be easily shared with the masses with just one click. Final Words The importance and relevance of SMS Broadcasting for E-Commerce Businesses are clear as daylight. The number of people ordering products online has taken a rise with the pandemic. The E-Commerce space is going to boom. This is the best time to capitalise on the power of SMS and boost your business. Choosing the best SMS Broadcast Service Provider in Australia is critical for your business to capitalise on SMS’s capabilities to the fullest. Guni SMS, Australia’s No-1 SMS Gateway Australia would be the best choice. Their consultants provide custom made solutions and use-cases as per your requirements. They would be providing a free campaign manager, too, throughout the SMS Broadcasting process. The best part is that you would only have to pay for the SMS sent, which would be pay as you use. Guni has helped many businesses across Australia tackle the pandemic by capitalising on the power of SMS Broadcasting. It is safe to say that Guni would be with you full time, catering to all your needs and requirements. Try Guni SMS for free Today. Share Via Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Linkedin Improve upon your Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Business Communication with the help of Guni. Get free consultation from our world class consultants today. Get Live Demo See how you can send SMS campaign in less than 5 minutes! Import contacts Compose Template Send Book a Demo
Harnessing the Power of Loyalty SMS Programs: Building Lasting Connections with Your Customers

Home Harnessing the Power of Loyalty SMS Programs: Building Lasting Connections with Your Customers In today’s fiercely competitive market, retaining customers is just as crucial as acquiring new ones. Loyalty programs have long been hailed as a powerful tool for fostering customer retention, but in the age of digital communication, the effectiveness of SMS programs cannot be overstated. Let’s delve into the world of loyalty SMS programs and explore how they can help you solidify your brand’s relationship with your customers. Why Loyalty Programs Matter SMS loyalty programs offer a direct and effective way for businesses to connect with their customers. By leveraging the ubiquity of mobile phones, businesses can reach customers wherever they are, delivering timely and relevant messages that drive engagement and loyalty. Moreover, SMS has an impressive open rate of 98%, ensuring that your messages are seen and acted upon by your audience. The Power of Referrals One of the often-overlooked benefits of loyalty programs is their ability to turn customers into brand advocates. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your brand to their friends and family, thereby helping you attract new customers organically. This word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable in today’s digital landscape, where trust and authenticity reign supreme. Financial Sense and Increased Profitability The financial implications of customer retention versus acquisition are staggering. Studies have shown that increasing customer retention by just 5% can lead to a whopping 25% increase in profit. Additionally, loyal customers tend to spend more and shop more frequently, further bolstering your bottom line. This underscores the importance of investing in loyalty programs as a long-term strategy for sustainable growth. Benefits of SMS Loyalty Programs: Increased Customer Engagement: SMS loyalty programs enable businesses to engage with their customers on a personal level, fostering a sense of connection and loyalty. By delivering exclusive offers, discounts, and rewards directly to customers’ mobile devices, businesses can incentivize repeat purchases and drive sales. Improved Customer Retention: Retaining existing customers is essential for long-term business success, and SMS loyalty programs can help achieve this goal. By offering rewards and incentives for continued patronage, businesses can strengthen their relationships with their customers and encourage them to remain loyal to their brand. Enhanced Customer Experience: SMS loyalty programs allow businesses to deliver personalized and relevant messages to their customers, enhancing their overall experience. Whether it’s a birthday discount, a special offer based on past purchases, or a reminder about an upcoming promotion, SMS enables businesses to tailor their communication to meet the individual needs and preferences of their customers. Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional marketing channels, SMS is a cost-effective way for businesses to promote their products and services. With lower costs per message and higher response rates, SMS loyalty programs offer a high return on investment for businesses looking to drive sales and increase revenue. Tips for Building an Effective SMS Loyalty Program Building an SMS loyalty program that truly resonates with your audience requires careful planning and execution. Here are some essential tips to help you create a program that strengthens your brand’s relationship with its customers: Craft a Memorable Program Name: Choose a name for your loyalty program that is catchy, easy to remember, and reflects your brand’s identity. This will make it easier for customers to engage with and remember your program. Define Reward Mechanisms: Decide how customers will earn rewards within your program. Will they earn points for every purchase, referrals, or based on the frequency of their visits? Clarifying these mechanisms upfront will ensure transparency and encourage participation. Offer Appealing Rewards: Determine what types of rewards will motivate your customers to participate. Whether it’s free product offers, discounts, or gift cards, choose rewards that align with your customers’ preferences and add value to their experience. Automate Communication: Utilize an SMS service to streamline communication with your customers. From welcome messages to confirmation messages, reminders, and thank-you notes, automation ensures timely and consistent communication without manual intervention. Personalize Customer Interactions: Go beyond generic messages by personalizing your communication with customers. Consider sending them exclusive discount codes for their birthdays or tailored offers based on their purchase history. This personal touch enhances the customer experience and fosters a deeper connection with your brand. Monitor Program Performance: Track the performance of your SMS loyalty program using key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and redemption rates. This data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your program and allows you to make informed adjustments as needed. Comply with Regulations: Ensure compliance with opt-in and opt-out rules to respect your customers’ privacy and preferences. Obtain explicit consent before sending promotional SMS messages and provide a clear way for customers to opt-out if they choose to do so. Respecting these regulations builds trust and credibility with your audience. By following these tips, you can build an SMS loyalty program that not only rewards your customers but also strengthens their bond with your brand. From thoughtful communication to enticing rewards, a well-executed loyalty program can drive customer engagement, retention, and ultimately, business growth. Conclusion: In conclusion, SMS loyalty programs offer businesses a powerful way to connect with their customers, drive engagement, and foster loyalty. By delivering personalized offers, rewards, and incentives directly to customers’ mobile devices, businesses can enhance the customer experience, increase retention, and drive sales. With careful planning, implementation, and monitoring, businesses can unlock the full potential of SMS loyalty programs and achieve long-term success in today’s competitive marketplace. Share Via Facebook Instagram Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Linkedin Improve upon your Sales, Marketing, Customer Success and Business Communication with the help of Guni. Get free consultation from our world class consultants today. Get Live Demo See how you can send SMS campaign in less than 5 minutes! Import contacts Compose Template Send Book a Demo